ATEL Annual Conference
September 20th, 2018

REGISTRATION - Before September 15th 2018
Date: September 20th, 2018
Venue: Hotel Sofitel - 4, rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, L-2015 Luxembourg Kirchberg
We have the pleasure to welcome you to our 5th ATEL annual conference, one of the most prestigious happenings related to Corporate Treasury environment in Luxembourg. This year, we will start the event by a soft skill session dedicated to the ATEL Corporate Members in order to create the best profile of their LinkedIn account and also to improve the interview process in a Masterclass. In a second part, presenters will raise and share with you how the development of the artificial intelligence or the digitalization will impact the treasury function, how it will drive change and innovation in payment solutions but also they won't lose sight of how to look for positive returns though Supply Chain Finance and finally how to best outsource treasury in a challenging changing world process. This will be followed by a plenary session covering the significant changes for treasury in 2019 with the implementation of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive and the working capital. The presentations will be followed by a nice cocktail and a dinner.