ATEL SMEs Conference 2023
March 21st 2023
Location: BGL BNP Paribas Business Center
50 Avenue John F. Kennedy 2951 Luxembourg
17:00 Registration and welcome coffee
17:30 Welcome notes
17:35 Economic Outlook 2023 by BGL BNP Paribas Economist
18:00 Cash Flow Forecasting Tools
18:30 ESG – Update for SMEs by ESG expert from BGL BNP Paribas
19:30 Networking cocktail
* Economic outlook for 2023
Hear from the BGL BNPP Paribas Economist what to expect in 2023 for your company in these uncertain times
* Cash Flow Forecasting tools sized to the SMEs
Whatever size your company, recent surveys show that short-term, mid-term and long-term cash flow forecasting is still the number one preoccupation of many CEOs and CFOs.
Learn what could be the costs effective tools available, including Excel and Fintech Solutions.
* ESG (for Small and Medium size enterprises - SMEs) and more specifically on the new ESG Reporting requirement for all enterprises and its impact on the credit facilities provided by your banks. ESG is becoming a significant topic when discussing with your bank (but not only!) and should be on the top of each CEO/CFO/Treasurer agendaLearn what is the impact going to be on your bank financing processes as well than your future annual reporting requirements.
Session given by BNPP Paris ESG experts & Ecovadis, followed by a Q&A session
C/O RTL Group
Treasury and Corporate Finance
43 bd Pierre Frieden
L-1543 Luxembourg
Phone: 00352 42 142 4875
Fax: 00352 42 142 2129
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